An optimized Rime configuration

This configuration:

  • Optimized for simplified Chinese;
  • Implement 朙月拼音 luna-pinyin, 微软双拼 double-pinyin-mspy and 地球拼音 terra-pinyin with 20+ dictionaries including symbols and emoji;
  • Feature 地球双拼 terra-double-pinyin-mspy, a double pinyin input method supporting tone marks;
  • Use 地球双拼 terra-double-pinyin-mspy to reverse lookup 吴语(苏州话) wugniu_soutseu with tone marks, toggled by `;
  • Use ASCII mode for several applications.

Supported Rime Version


The config should run on Squarrel 0.14.0 or greater.


鼠鬚管 Squirrel (MacOS)

東風破 plum

Install plum, the configuration manager for Rime input method engine:

cd ~/Library/Rime
curl -fsSL | bash

Then install packages:

cd plum
bash rime-install :preset double-pinyin emoji NGLI/rime-wugniu_soutseu

Supported input methods ℞

Personalized configuration and dictionaries

To install, clone this repo to ~/Library/Rime:

cd ~/Library/Rime
git init
echo -e "/*\n\!/\n\!/dict\n\!/*.custom.yaml\n\!/*.extended.dict.yaml\n\!/terra_double_pinyin_mspy.*\n!/*pyim*" >> .gitignore
git remote add origin
git pull origin master

Update: 2019-08-31

ln -s /Library/Input\ Methods/* ./opencc/


Press Control + Option + ` to deploy current configuration.

Press Control + ` to select input method.


To update plum itself, run:

cd ~/Library/Rime/plum
bash rime-install plum

To update the plum packages, run:

cd ~/Library/Rime/plum
bash rime-install :preset double-pinyin emoji NGLI/rime-wugniu_soutseu

To update the config, run:

cd ~/Library/Rime
git pull origin master


  • Modify default.custom.yaml to select more input methods or comment out input methods no longer needed:
  - schema: luna_pinyin          # 朙月拼音
  - schema: terra_pinyin         # 地球拼音 dì qiú pīn yīn
  - schema: terra_double_pinyin_mspy # 地球双拼
  - schema: double_pinyin_mspy   # 微软双拼
  - schema: double_pinyin        # 自然码双拼
  - schema: double_pinyin_abc    # 智能ABC双拼
  - schema: double_pinyin_flypy  # 小鹤双拼
  - schema: wugniu_soutseu       # 吴语(苏州话)
  - schema: stroke               # 笔画
  - schema: cangjie              # 仓颉输入法
  - schema: bopomofo             # 注音
  - schema: emoji                # 颜文字
  • Delete wugniu_soutseu.custom.yaml to use the default 朙月拼音 luna_pinyin reverse lookup 吴语(苏州话) wugniu_soutseu.
Runhan Yu
Data Engineer

My interests include big data, cloud computing, software development and biochemistry.