
Integrate Mac version Emacs with Rime input engine

由于我习惯写中文博客,所以将写博客这件事也转移到 Emacs 后,我渐渐感觉到 pyim 的不足。所以今天研究一下如何让 pyim 调用 Rime 的词库。

An optimized Rime configuration

This configuration: Optimized for simplified Chinese; Implement 朙月拼音 luna-pinyin, 微软双拼 double-pinyin-mspy and 地球拼音 terra-pinyin with 20+ dictionaries including symbols and emoji; Feature 地球双拼 terra-double-pinyin-mspy, a double pinyin input method supporting tone marks; Use 地球双拼 terra-double-pinyin-mspy to reverse lookup 吴语(苏州话) wugniu_soutseu with tone marks, toggled by `; Use ASCII mode for several applications.